Ramayan - Yagna Raksha

Namaskar. In this episode we make further progress in Ramayan. Ram, Lakshman, Bharat, Shatrughna are growing as children. We are introdued to Rishi Vishwamitra. Ram and Lakshman, even though just mere children, go with him to defend and protect Vishwamitra's yagnas and ashram from the demons. We get to know of demons Tratika / Tadaka, Maarich, Subaahu and how they are defeated by Ram and Lakshman. We also get to know the story of Gautam Rishi, Devi Ahilya, and how Lord Ram frees Dvi Ahilya from her curse.

Om Podcasten

My father, Sudheer Balkrishna Mahajani, is an avid reader of Marathi and Sanksrit literature, has studied various works on Hindu mythology, and is well renowned in his family and friends for his knack of story telling. This podcast brings a collection of stories that I and many in our extended family have relished in our childhoods and continue enjoying even till date!