Simon Danczuk: Former MP Exposes Government Secrets, Landlords Tax & UK Economic Crisis
Ex-MP Simon Danczuk joins Mark to share his many political views and in-depth knowledge of the system and the people of the UK. He talks about his days as an MP including exposing the Rochdale grooming gang and Cyril Smith, about his business background, immigration, the private rent sector and housing and the lack of leadership in parliament. KEY TAKEAWAYS At just age 15, Simon knew he wanted to become an MP and eventually became a counsellor at 27. Simon formed his own business and stepped down from being a counsellor. But once he hit 40 he decided to get into politics again and became an MP for Rochdale in 2010. Some of Simon’s experience from being a counsellor, allowed him to win clients for his agency because he understood a lot of the context and detail. You can’t have a flexible labour force if you don’t have enough rentals and housing for people to easily move. What politics has been lacking is strategy and vision which we are seeing the real impact of now. There’s a big economic event every ten years but the issue at the moment is that the media is particularly good at fear-mongering which has a large impact on the collective feeling of the country. There are 23 million working-age people in the UK that are economically inactive. We need to really incentivise these people to start working. BEST MOMENTS ‘I get a lot of satisfaction from solving people's problems and coming up with solutions” “People still like to buy their home but rental is still crucial” “Rents have doubled since 2016 because they have reduced the amount of rental properties” “Surely you can incentivise people to go back to work” VALUABLE RESOURCES ABOUT THE HOST Mark has bought, sold or has managed around 1,000 property units for himself, Rob, his family and his investors since 2003. He is a system and spreadsheet geek and has developed a complex, confidential deal analyser system of buying residential, commercial and multi-let properties. CONTACT METHOD Email: LinkedIn: Facebook: Twitter:‘Brought to you by Progressive Media’: