27. Q&A Quickie: Investing at 40, Social Security and Money Mindset

We have a Market MakeHer short and sweet Q&A for you today regarding investing a little bit later. Question from listener @spacey on TikTok: Should I be worried if I haven't started investing yet and I'm approaching 40? Short Answer: No, but get started ASAP! Like we've said in previous episodes, time in the market is your best strategy. Cut down expenses and invest as much as you can (within reason). Social Security If you have been working, then you have social security. There's a ...

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Get better with your "finance-sis" and dive into the world of investing, without the jargon or bro-talk. Picture yourself learning alongside two friends: a beginner investor like you and a formerly licensed 15-year finance expert. Meet Market MakeHer, your go-to self-directed investing education podcast that demystifies complex financial concepts and jargon in a new way - from "Her" perspective.  By relating the business cycle to the menstrual cycle, supply and demand to second-hand shopping, and many more out-of-the-box analogies - Market MakeHer became an award-winning podcast! We make it make sense, fun, and relatable, because we believe investing is for everyone.Join us as we build knowledge for all, break the existing barriers that make investing seem like it's not for you, and make a mark in finance together! View our podcast episodes here or link to wherever you listen to podcasts via our website - be sure to browse through our investing education content while you're there. Become fin-fluent with us!