43. From introvert hangovers to mental health conversations

This is a solo episode prompted by something that happened to me a couple of weeks ago. It is also an issue that many of my guests have mentioned. The introvert hangover is the name given to that feeling when you have spent too much time in the company of other people. I talk about why we get that feeling, how we can recover and how we can look after ourselves and prevent it. When I started to explore how we get and recover from the introvert hangover, I found myself thinking about mental health for introvert business owners, so I talk about that too.  It’s an important conversation to have in our small businesses, and I raise a number of issues. But I am not an expert in mental health so if any of this episode rings uncomfortably true for you, please take some steps to learn more about your own situation and talk to someone who is an expert.    Mental health resources Resources from the Federation of Small Business: https://www.fsb.org.uk/knowledge/knowledge/mental-health-and-wellbeing.html Mental Health at work toolkit for small businesses: https://www.mentalhealthatwork.org.uk/toolkit/mental-health-for-small-workplaces/ IPSE resources on mental health including a link to the report I quote in the episode: https://www.ipse.co.uk/member-benefits/ipse-advice/mental-wellbeing-advice.html   Series resource Download the Define your Ideal Customer cheat sheet to go with the series (which includes 15 ideas for marketing a small service businesses just like yours) 

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Marketing for Introverts is the podcast that explores ways introverts can successfully promote themselves and their businesses in a world where everyone else is shouting. Do you have that daily challenge between not wanting to put yourself out there but also needing to promote your business in order to make sales? Marketing advice for business owners centres on personal visibility, making an impact, raising your profile. How does that fit if you are reserved and quiet, and you prefer to listen and reflect? If you are an introvert business owner looking for ideas and support in a noisy world, you’ve found it!