22. Putting Your Face On Your Business With Emily Moya

This week I’m re-sharing a conversation with you that I had in late May 2020, with super talented personal brand photographer Emily Moya. In my experience introverts really don’t like putting their face on their business. I lose track of the number of clients I start working with where this is one of my observations on their website or social media – “You’re an expert in your field, so where is your face?!” If this is you, listen to Emily’s words of wisdom to help you get more comfortable with showing up as the face of your business. It’s a slightly different format to the usual interviews, but just as packed with value as all the other episodes.     Resources Find Emily at emilymoya.co.uk    Find the Marketing Personality quiz on my website at www.bondfieldmarketing.co.uk to receive marketing tips tailored to your unique personality   Marketing for Introverts is created and hosted by Jenny Procter of Bondfield Marketing, find out more here https://bondfieldmarketing.co.uk/marketing-for-introverts/

Om Podcasten

Marketing for Introverts is the podcast that explores ways introverts can successfully promote themselves and their businesses in a world where everyone else is shouting. Do you have that daily challenge between not wanting to put yourself out there but also needing to promote your business in order to make sales? Marketing advice for business owners centres on personal visibility, making an impact, raising your profile. How does that fit if you are reserved and quiet, and you prefer to listen and reflect? If you are an introvert business owner looking for ideas and support in a noisy world, you’ve found it!