27. Timesaving tips for your marketing processes with Nina Gordon

Introducing Online Business Manager and introvert Nina Gordon. Nina’s superpower is making businesses run smoothly behind the scenes so her clients can focus on what they do best. She shared some tips to help busy service business owners streamline their marketing tasks. We also talked about how to make administrative tasks simpler to help create time for marketing. Nina has some great recommendations for online tools to make your business run more smoothly. She’s also a huge fan of blocking time in your diary, and taking the time to get things set up correctly – you know it will save you time in the long run!   Nina recommended Chillpreneur by Denise Duffield Thomas, you can go to the Marketing for Introverts Bookshop to see the full list   You can find Nina on Instagram on @NinaJGordon and @SystemstoGrow   Links Need some marketing planning help this year? Go to https://bondfieldmarketing.co.uk/services/ For all the back episodes of the podcast go to https://bondfieldmarketing.co.uk/category/podcast/ For more books that I recommend go to the Marketing for Introverts reading list (bookshop.org) And just for fun – what’s your marketing personality? Find out on my website https://bondfieldmarketing.co.uk

Om Podcasten

Marketing for Introverts is the podcast that explores ways introverts can successfully promote themselves and their businesses in a world where everyone else is shouting. Do you have that daily challenge between not wanting to put yourself out there but also needing to promote your business in order to make sales? Marketing advice for business owners centres on personal visibility, making an impact, raising your profile. How does that fit if you are reserved and quiet, and you prefer to listen and reflect? If you are an introvert business owner looking for ideas and support in a noisy world, you’ve found it!