Lord Neuberger and the Rule of Law

This week, we speak to Lord David Neuberger about the rule of law and the role of courts and judges. Together with Helen Mountfield QC and Murray Hunt, Richard Hermer asks what are the essential ingredients that determine whether a judicial system is able, or willing, to protect the rule of law and fundamental rights? What role, if any, have judges to play when the rule of law is at risk and what are the principles that should govern the behaviour of judges in such circumstances? Lord Neuberger was the second President of the Supreme Court having previously served as Master of the Rolls and in both capacities delivered very many landmark judgments concerning the rule of law and the protection of fundamental rights. Since retirement from the English judiciary his varied activities have included chairing the High Level Panel of Legal Experts on Media Freedom and serving as a non-Permanent Judge of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal.

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In association with Prospect Magazine, the 'Matrix Pod: The Rule of Law' will addresses how law, courts and the rule of law are holding up in the UK and abroad.