Education Entrepreneurship with Rick Fernandez ’02

How do you react to a mistake? Ben and Rick talk on innovating and advocating for student success, including pulling industry into the decision-making process of curriculum and pedagogy. They also discussed how pursuing uncharted territory revealed a passion for Rick that he’s carrying on as a school administrator. On recruiting: Ultimately, employers want great workers who are going to be creative and innovative. We need more people who are solving actual market problems, asking, “How can I add value to the market directly?” Leaders constantly need to be looking for those who will have a founder mentality; those who recruit new skills as needed, deliver results despite any politics, and will take accountability for success at the macro level. On entrepreneurship: It’s a difficult concept to explain and emulate. Also difficult to quantify and capture – mistakes are where the learning happens. Seeing the mistake and learning at the moment is vital to success. We need more details on the setbacks and the decisions are the crux of how to make it… or not. Advice for navigating change in an educational organization: Any change is hard and it’s easy to say no to something. Finding unique solutions allows students what they desperately need: Access.

Om Podcasten

The vision of the Mays MasterCast is to connect prospective members to our Mays community by painting the picture of Aggieland through different voices and perspectives. The “different voices and perspectives” have come from inspiring individuals of Texas A&M University, each telling a new story of their personal, professional, and educational experiences. While we still want to focus on the unique lives of our guests, we want our guests to embody the Masters and MBA Programs that Mays has to offer. Whether they teach a graduate level course, are head of a department, current student, or have graduated, we want to capture potential Mays Business School Masters students and keep them in the realm of what is Mays Business School.