Episode 029 | Soft Skills Beat Hard Sell

Episode 029 | Technical skills might open doors but soft skills will maintain relationships. Scott and Anne Marie talk about the value of soft skills — listening, responding and recognizing nonverbal queues. Poor soft skills drive away customers and clients, while good skills pull them in. And soft skills, like technical skills, can be taught. Don’t overlook this undervalued component.

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Side Affects Producer Kenzie McEvily, joined by her guest hosts, spotlights invited industry experts to discuss their best practices that disrupt the norm of health care, leadership, and business. Side Affects: A podcast that prompts you, as an employer, to think differently about the needs of your people and your company. We encourage you to take action by taking a deep look into benefit strategies that will transform your workforce engagement, i.e., diversity, compliance, mental health, and modern reporting. Kenzie and her guests bring these subjects and more to light to better health and productivity. Tune in and learn more!