Episode 051 | The Direct Primary Care Movement

If access, utilization and lifestyle choices are impacting your claims costs, then primary care could be the solution. Dr. Amy Mechley of Integrative Family Care of Cincinnati says her Direct Primary Care model is the answer many self-insured employers need. For a level monthly fee, patients have access to their primary care physician as needed. When physicians and patients have a one-on-one relationship, it cuts down on emergency costs, it ensure proper medication and compliance, and it can even replace the need for a wellness initiative. Dr. Mechley tells Scott McGohan her medical journey and experiences that led her to the concept of Direct Primary Care, and the results that employers can expect after just one year.

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Side Affects Producer Kenzie McEvily, joined by her guest hosts, spotlights invited industry experts to discuss their best practices that disrupt the norm of health care, leadership, and business. Side Affects: A podcast that prompts you, as an employer, to think differently about the needs of your people and your company. We encourage you to take action by taking a deep look into benefit strategies that will transform your workforce engagement, i.e., diversity, compliance, mental health, and modern reporting. Kenzie and her guests bring these subjects and more to light to better health and productivity. Tune in and learn more!