How did this year Measure Up?

You know it's that time of the year - time for navel gazing (not to be confused with naval gazing) end-of-year reviews, proclamations, and prognostications. It's been a busy year for me and Simon, as we were both laid off and started new paths and projects. One project in particular was this podcast! Join us as we open up about the highs and lows of our year, and what we have in store for 2024.

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Cookies are going away, Apple is limiting the data you can collect, and privacy regulations are making it difficult to target and measure the way we used to. If you're a marketer or analysts wondering how to measure your campaigns' performance, we're here to help you! Join Jim Gianoglio and Simon Poulton on the Measuring Up podcast, where they talk to marketers, analysts, and founders who are in the trenches of this new measurement world. You'll learn the best practices, tips, and actionable advice from people who've been in your shoes.