Episode 59 - Asma Khan

Asma Khan is one of the UK's most prominent female chefs and an unstoppable force for social change in the food industry.  We discuss her life before coming to the UK and why she felt the need to explore her identity and culture through her cooking. The process of going from having dinner clubs at home to opening a restaurant at the most prestigious sites in London was full of many challenges - but nothing that Asma couldn’t take on. As well as creating a place for Indian food, Asma has made Darjeeling Express into much more than a restaurant. It’s a platform for social change – a place where every woman is celebrated and empowered. Watch Asma Khan on Netflix's Chef's Table Pre-order Ammu Follow Asma on Twitter & Instagram

Om Podcasten

Thank you for joining me on this podcast! My name is Dr Meenal Viz and I'm an NHS doctor and activist. My love for sharing stories and using that as a medium to help people is one that brings me a lot of joy and it all ties in with the one dream I had as a child - to serve the global community. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I campaigned for the protection of healthcare workers and was recognized internationally for my activism and campaigning. Through this podcast, I speak to the greatest thinkers of our generation. Each and every one of us has the potential to create change - I hope this podcast brings you the ray of hope you've been looking for.