Meghan McCain’s Revenge Dress & Hot White House Correspondents' Dinner Gossip

Meghan and her co-host Miranda are giving you the insider knowledge about The White House Correspondents' Dinner, dating advice, and a talk show host who needs to raise the bar. They also discuss a new low for Governor Kristi Noem and a new high for Mayor Pete. 

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Citizen McCain by Meghan McCain is your new fave podcast for all things politics and pop culture. If you’re talking about it, she’s talking about it, and she isn’t afraid to get into it. We'll focus on trending news, celebrity gossip, Americana culture, and all the stuff in the weird corners of the internet. Meghan, an American icon, plans to tackle cancel culture, break down viral trends, and have conversations that you’re going to want to hear. A blend of entertainment and hard news with the Meghan McCain twist.