Untold Stories of the RNC: Mary Katharine Ham Tells All

Meghan and Miranda open the show reminiscing about their time at the 2016 Republican National Convention. They go through their experiences during one of the wildest and most chaotic events of the last decade including when Miranda was on the convention floor as Donald Trump accepted the party nomination for President. Then, Mary Katharine Ham joins Meghan in studio to talk about the turmoil surrounding the Biden campaign and her expectations for next weeks' RNC.

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Citizen McCain by Meghan McCain is your new fave podcast for all things politics and pop culture. If you’re talking about it, she’s talking about it, and she isn’t afraid to get into it. We'll focus on trending news, celebrity gossip, Americana culture, and all the stuff in the weird corners of the internet. Meghan, an American icon, plans to tackle cancel culture, break down viral trends, and have conversations that you’re going to want to hear. A blend of entertainment and hard news with the Meghan McCain twist.