1 - The Murder of Elaine O'Hara: A Kink Killing

Elaine O’Hara was a troubled woman who disappeared from her Dublin home in 2012 and was presumed to have committed suicide. A year later, due to a series of coincidences, her body was found and a man with an appetite for the twisted, but the appearance of a nice middle class family man was charged with her murder. A true crime that was truly beyond belief, and shocked Ireland. Find us on Facebook or Twitter! With thanks to our supporters on Patron! If you would like to support the podcast, head on over to Patreon.com. Theme Music: Quinn’s Song: The Dance Begins by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/  Sources: Paul Williams, Almost the Perfect Murder: The Killing of Elaine O’Hara, the Extraordinary Garda Investigation and the Trial That Stunned the Nation (Penguin, 2015) Purchase Here Ann O’Loughlin, http://www.irishexaminer.com/ireland/graham-dwyer-seeks-legal-aid-for-data-challenge-392466.html  Trish Laverty, http://www.98fm.com/Graham-Dwyer-Privacy-Challenge-Gets-Go-Ahead- Kathryn Hayes, http://www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-news/crime/marie-cassidy-state-pathologist-surprised-5914068  Allison O’Reilly, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3403821/Depraved-architect-jailed-murdering-woman-sexual-gratification-describes-50-shades-Graham-series-extraordinary-letters-female-pen-pal.html  Ralph Reigal http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/ill-be-out-before-next-christmas-murderer-graham-dwyer-tells-fellow-inmates-35322032.html  Ralph Reigal http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/crime/desperate-killer-graham-dwyer-is-begging-for-support-with-12-letters-a-week-35082217.html

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Mens Rea is the legal principle of intent that must be proved in a number of crimes, such as murder. It means literally, "guilty mind". Mens Rea Podcast explores the most notorious crimes from Ireland and the UK and the court cases that followed. Join your host, Sinead, every fortnight when a new case is discussed.