11 – The murder of Tia Sharp

Tia Sharp was 12 years old in the summer of 2012, and the Olympics had come to her city, London. She was a carefree and bubbly young girl and was close with her family. Which is why it was so surprising when she went missing from her grandmothers house in New Addington, South London. They knew she wasn’t a runaway. A huge search began for the missing girl, and eventually she was found – in the home she had gone missing from. Suspicion fell on the man she knew as her step-gradfather, Stuart Hazel. Was this man that she trusted and loved responsible for her death and the hiding of her body in her grandmother’s attic? Find us on Facebook or Twitter! With thanks to our supporters on Patreon! If you would like to support the podcast, head on over to Patreon.com. Podcast Promos: Spoop Hour Podcast and Corpus Deliciti Podcast Theme Music: Quinn’s Song: The Dance Begins by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/  Sources:  Nigel Cawthorne, Tia Sharp: A Family Betrayal (London: Blake Publishing, 2013). Purchase here Paul Bracchi and Tom Kelly, “Relatives cashing in on her murder. A home life based on benefits, drugs and casual sex. With this family what hope did poor Tia have?” http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2326383/Tia-Sharp-relatives-cash-murder-A-home-life-based-benefits-drugs-sex–hope-did-have.html 18 May 2013  Lucy Buckland, “The Harrowing story of how Tia Sharp was murdered by her grandmother’s over five years on” https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/uk-news/harrowing-story-how-tia-sharp-13574607 5 September 2017  Living With a Killer documentary info: http://www.itv.com/news/2013-05-16/living-with-a-killer/ Discovery Crime and Investigation Britain's Dark Taboos: The Murder of Tia Sharp Aired 16th March 2014 Sarah Ann Harris, “What Happened to Tia Sharp? Murdered schoolgirl's father reveals horrifying moment he realised she was dead” http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/what-happened-to-tia-sharp-murdered-schoolgirls-father-reveals-horrifying-moment-he-realised-she-was-dead_uk_59ad318ce4b0b5e530ffca58 4 September 2017 Jacob Dirnhuber, “I hope he rots: Tia Sharp's mum slams killer Stuart Hazell after he complains he's lonely in jail – and says he's too 'cowardly' to meet her face to face” https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5240303/tia-sharp-mum-natalie-stuart-hazell-prison-murder/ 31 December 2017 Holly Christodoubou, “'He should have Hanged: Tia Sharp's dad speaks out – five years after tragic schoolgirl was abused, killed nad her body hidden0 in the loft by her grandma's pervert lover Stuart Hazell” https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/4386121/tia-sharp-death-story-abused-killed-grandmas-lover-stuart-hazell/ 4 September 2017   .

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Mens Rea is the legal principle of intent that must be proved in a number of crimes, such as murder. It means literally, "guilty mind". Mens Rea Podcast explores the most notorious crimes from Ireland and the UK and the court cases that followed. Join your host, Sinead, every fortnight when a new case is discussed.