46 - Tipperary Love Triangle: Patrick Quirke & the murder of Mr Moonlight (Part Two)

Bobby Ryan was a well known and well loved figure in Tipperary. He was a local DJ, known as Mr moonlight, in addition to his work in the local quarry. He was divorced, with two grown up children and in 2011, he was dating a local widow - Mary Lowry. On the 3rd of June of that year, Bobby Ryan went missing. 8 years later, it was spark the longest-running criminal trial in the history of the state. But how did we get here? Part Two of this two part series on the recent trial and media spectacle dubbed the "Tipperary Love Rival Trial" follows the 15 week long trial from prosecution witnesses to closing arguments, the delivery of the verdict, and what happened after. Find us on Facebook or Twitter! With thanks to our supporters on Patreon! This week’s featured Podcast Promo is for True Crime Deadline! Join veteran crime reporter Matt Johnson in this podcast's first season as he discusses crimes that haunt him. Theme Music: Quinn’s Song: The Dance Begins Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Additional Music:   Allemande (Sting) by Wahneta Meixsell. Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Sources: Eoin Reynolds, 'Tipperary Murder trial witness denies telling 'devious' lies and adding 'poison' to her statements” from The Limerick Leader https://www.limerickleader.ie/news/home/361482/tipperary-murder-trial-witness-denies-telling-deviouslies-and-adding-poison-to-her-statements.html (31 January 2019)  Eoin Reynolds, “Murder trial hears of agony aunt letter an claims of underwear stolen from washing line” in  The Journal.ie https://www.thejournal.ie/patrick-quirke-court-4467646-Jan2019/(30 January 2019)    Vivienne Traynor,  “Tipperary murder trial witness denies asking if gardai could tell if a body was in car boot” in RTE.ie https://www.rte.ie/news/courts/2019/0131/1026699-patrick-quirke-court/ (31 January 2019)    Frank Greaney and Stephanie Rohan, “Tipperary murder trial: Witness says she is telling “the whole truth”” from Newstalk.ie https://www.newstalk.com/news/witness-at-centre-of-tipperary-tank-murder-trial-denies-lying-to-jury-486990 (31 January 2019)    Nicola Anderson, “Widow claims farmer accused of murder 'took my underwear'” in The Irish Independent https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/courts/widow-claims-farmer-accused-of-murder-took-my-underwear-37768366.html (31 January 2019)    For a full list of sources, please see our website www.mensreapod.com

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Mens Rea is the legal principle of intent that must be proved in a number of crimes, such as murder. It means literally, "guilty mind". Mens Rea Podcast explores the most notorious crimes from Ireland and the UK and the court cases that followed. Join your host, Sinead, every fortnight when a new case is discussed.