Introducing - Bad Women: The Blackout Ripper

Here’s a preview of Bad Women: The Blackout Ripper. Over a single week in February 1942, a depraved serial killer stalked London’s dark and WWII bomb-ravaged streets, hunting for victims in the city’s bars and clubs. But the victims of the so-called Blackout Ripper are now all but forgotten. Using new research from police files, court transcripts and exhaustive genealogical studies, season 2 of Hallie Rubenhold’s Bad Women reconstructs the lives of the women The Blackout Ripper brutally attacked and murdered and examines why their deaths were swept from view. Listen to Bad Women at

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Mens Rea is the legal principle of intent that must be proved in a number of crimes, such as murder. It means literally, "guilty mind". Mens Rea Podcast explores the most notorious crimes from Ireland and the UK and the court cases that followed. Join your host, Sinead, every fortnight when a new case is discussed.