Well-Being of Youth and Young Adults

Parenting and educating young people as they transition back to in-person learning and jobs this year is both joyful and challenging. A panel of experts discusses approaches that parents, caregivers, and educators can take to support youth, including strategies to promote resilience, resourcefulness, and creating environments that facilitate a sense of belonging and agency—especially for youth of color. Panelists: Joyce Dorado, PhD, Health Sciences Clinical Professor, UCSF Dept. of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and director, UCSF Health Environments and Response to Trauma in Schools (HEARTS); Julie Lythcott-Haims, JD, MFA, New York Times best-selling author; Suniya Luthar, PhD, Professor Emerita, Columbia University; co-founder, Authentic Connections. Moderator: Dan Siegel, MD, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, UCLA School of Medicine; founder, Mindsight Institute. Series: "Emotional Well-Being in Times of Crisis" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 37478]

Om Podcasten

Guest speakers, researchers and University of California faculty explore mental illness and mental health.