#028 - Tami Gilmore

For more about Mental Health Today, visit our: Website:      https://www.mhtpodcast.com Youtube: https://youtube.com/live/bHTLsrp5D2s LinkedIn:   https://www.linkedin.com/company/mental-health-today-podcast/?viewAsMember=true Mental Health Today With is a branch of The Jar, funded by The Jar Foundation. Disclaimer: The views stated in this episode are our guest's opinions and do not necessarily represent the views, beliefs, or opinions of Mental Health Today With. Our goal is to raise awareness and reduce the stigma around mental health by sharing our platform with professionals in the space. That being said, our guests are not a representation of Mental Health Today or The Jar Foundation.

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Mental Health Today… is hosted by Ken Stearns and aims to raise awareness and reduce the stigma around mental illness through open discussion, education, and tools. The show will feature guests who share their experiences within the mental health field, including treatment professionals, funding experts, activists, advocates, patients, and policy makers. Each episode is LIVE across Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube. Mental Health Today is sponsored by Jar Foundation LLC, a non-profit organization dedicated to reducing mental illness and improving access to mental health resources. The show will help to build the foundation's strategy, structure, and direction while raising awareness and promoting education about mental health.