Mentally Gone Conversations Ep. 33 w/ Gabriel Correa - PROJECT BLUE BEAM | BEING A DAD | WEF | GOD

Mentally Gone Conversations Ep. 33 w/ Gabriel Correa - PROJECT BLUE BEAM | BEING A DAD | WEF | GOD #god #technology #conspiracy In this episode I had the pleasure of sitting down with the bro Gabriel Correa and we touched on a plethora of topics including: His experience being a new father, whether or not God exists and if religious texts can be trusted, if we believe in aliens and in Project Blue Beam, the occult and evil plans of the elite and of the World Economic Forum, Amazon and big tech collecting your biometric data without your permission and the government spying on you, conspiracy theories... That and much more! Be sure to check out and support Gabriel's journey as a content creator! Gabriel's Instagram: @ gabe4ya Gabriel's TikTok: @ gabe4ya Gabriel's Twitter: @ gabe4ya Gabriel's YouTube: Mentally Gone's community is almost 1 million strong on TikTok, come join Gabriella and I on our journey! Mentally Gone TikTok: @ MentallyGoneStudios Mentally Gone Instagram: @ MentallyGoneStudios Mentally Gone Podcast:

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If you enjoy unique perspectives and sometimes enlightening discussions about literally anything and everything + some raw and unfiltered self expression from a plethora of different individuals with varied backgrounds and outlooks on life, Mentally Gone is worth checking out.