#20 - Astrid Solhaug - EU Data Legislations (Nor)

Is the EU providing the legal framework for data-driven value creation?Digitalization is a focus area for the European commission, and at its core, the European digital strategy is a data strategy - digitalization is focused on data.The goal is to utilize the value of data and give better conditions to SMB in the European marked.I was fortunate to talk to Astrid Solhaug from DigDir, working for the Norwegian resource center for sharing and use of data. Astrid provides both a Norwegian and Eur...

Om Podcasten

This is DAMA Norway's podcast to create an arena for sharing experiences within Data Management, showcase competence and level of knowledge in this field in the Nordics, get in touch with professionals, spread the word about Data Management and not least promote the profession Data Management.-----------------------------------Dette er DAMA Norge sin podcast for å skape en arena for deling av erfaringer med Data Management​, vise frem kompetanse og kunnskapsnivå innen fagfeltet i Norden​, komme i kontakt med fagpersoner​, spre ordet om Data Management og ikke minst fremme profesjonen Data Management​.