3#6 - Ieva Martinkenaite - Responsible AI: Ethical Governance and Positive Social Impact (Eng)

«A combination of strong buy in from top-management and strong flow of change agents (…) is a requirement for succeeding.»Eager to unlock the secrets behind building a trustful relationship with AI systems? I am sitting down with Ieva Martinkenaite, head of Telenor's Research and Innovation department to shed light on the interplay of accountability, ethics and AI technology. Through her role as translator between tech, leadership and business , Ieva brings a refreshing vantage point to the d...

Om Podcasten

This is DAMA Norway's podcast to create an arena for sharing experiences within Data Management, showcase competence and level of knowledge in this field in the Nordics, get in touch with professionals, spread the word about Data Management and not least promote the profession Data Management.-----------------------------------Dette er DAMA Norge sin podcast for å skape en arena for deling av erfaringer med Data Management​, vise frem kompetanse og kunnskapsnivå innen fagfeltet i Norden​, komme i kontakt med fagpersoner​, spre ordet om Data Management og ikke minst fremme profesjonen Data Management​.