Where The F*CK Have We Been?

EP 35: After 11 months- we’re back. We dive into where the f*ck we’ve been and scratch the surface on what the f*ck has happened since our hiatus. But first, we focus on the power of “just starting” as a key component of winning. We discuss how important it is to stick to a plan and touch on the uncertainty and difficulty of pulling back when you are on a roll in order to balance the see-saw of momentum in a business. Learnings from our last $10 Million dollar raise are shared with key takeaways on: -how to keep investors and key relationships looped in when you aren’t ready for them, -why our fundraising process is successful: the power of content and building out loud, -the importance of demanding what you want and staying true to who you are, and worrying not about your competition- but only about your customers. . . . Show Notes: We share our unorthodox approach to building a chocolate empire & how to win at raising  capital, the importance of “just starting” and demanding what you want at all costs. Stay up to date with  Mid-Day Squares on Instagram and LinkedIn Watch our raise video  1:48 The power of just starting 3:29 Denying demand 4:25 The importance of your game plan 8:09 Watch the raise video here 8:35 The difficulty of pulling back and thoughts on momentum 10:41 How to keep investors and key relationships looped in when you aren’t ready for them 13:30 Shoutout to our sponsor caffeine 15:25 a fact check on Jake’s caffeine hiatus 16:38 pulling off a $10 Million Dollar fundraise 18:13 Watch the raise video here (same as above) 18:47 Advice to anyone fundraising 19:18 Why our fundraising process is successful: The power of content and building out loud 22:16 Staying true to who you are and demanding what you want 24:00 How to keep investors in touch with your business, before they invest. 25:20 Not worrying about your competition, but only about your customers 26:16 Remarks on consistency and just starting

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The Mid-Day Squares story: how we're trying to build the next biggest Chocolate Company, family business, and our unfiltered thoughts on entrepreneurship. Nothing is off topic, no subject is off limits. Entrepreneurship the way it should be told with no fucks given.