Episode 192 - Ken Rusk - Author, Entrepreneur, & Blue Collar Advocate

Ken Rusk is an entrepreneur, a blue-collar advocate, and the author of The Wall Street Journal bestseller, Blue Collar Cash: Love Your Work, Secure Your Future, and Find Happiness For Life. Ken started work as a ditch-digger at 15 and went on to build a successful construction company that gave him the financial and personal freedom to lead a comfortable and fulfilling life. He’s passionate about the benefits of blue-collar work, and his mission is to make people realize that you don’t need a college degree to be successful.

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Men are being lied to. Your midlife is not about crisis; it's a time to thrive. And yet, it’s harder than ever to have real conversations about the topics you care about and explore the taboo topics no one will touch. Welcome to the Midlife Male podcast. A show that stops asking about your why and starts asking how to start living life on your terms. Each episode explores the topics that matter most in midlife, with perspectives from CEOs, athletes, celebs, and authors who have seen around the corner and help you adjust the dial on what matters and live a richer, happier, more balanced life.