Episode 28 - Chris Bernal - President of Effective Systems Consulting

here is no person that has been as effective an influence in my life over the past year than Chris Bernal. For years I resisted the notion of therapy or life coaching as from the outside looking in at least; things seemed to be going “pretty well”. My perception was that something had to be “wrong” in order to seek help or improvement. And maybe “wrong” isn’t the “right” term but certainly there were many areas I could use some help and improvement and thru a trusted friend Chris and I were connected and began working together. Chris is the President of Effective Systems Consulting - he has worked with CEO’s and executives across the country looking to maximize performance thru the application of behavioral science. This is an episode I’m very proud of as you get a glimpse into the unique and special gifts that Chris has and that have benefitted me greatly in our work together. To reach Chris directly go to: http://linkedin.com/in/chris-bernal-939846

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Men are being lied to. Your midlife is not about crisis; it's a time to thrive. And yet, it’s harder than ever to have real conversations about the topics you care about and explore the taboo topics no one will touch. Welcome to the Midlife Male podcast. A show that stops asking about your why and starts asking how to start living life on your terms. Each episode explores the topics that matter most in midlife, with perspectives from CEOs, athletes, celebs, and authors who have seen around the corner and help you adjust the dial on what matters and live a richer, happier, more balanced life.