Happiness and Women | 192

Today we're talking about happiness and women! We've learned so much this past year from the book, Happy School, and today we're learning even more from the author, Julie Gordon. Join us as we share the secrets to overcoming discouragement and worry! Links to past happiness episodes: Overcoming Negative Emotions and Thoughts How to Increase Positive Self Talk How to Change the Way You Think Happiness and Habits Happiness and Meaningful Work How to Avoid Self Pity and Regret Avoiding Anger, Resentment and Worry The Premiere Importance of Relationships The Importance of a Happiness Routine I'm a fan recommendations Julie Gordon's book Julie's gas app Mindy's serum Marie's sports bra We'd love to hear from you! Find us here: Instagram: Midlife Matters Podcast Website: midlifematterspodcast.com Email: midlifematterspodcast@gmail.com      

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From parenting teens to aging gracefully, Midlife Matters covers all the topics keeping women in the middle years up at night. Join us to be encouraged and entertained on this journey through the middle years of life!