0025 - Kyle Lamb
Kyle Lamb, a 21-year-plus United States Army Veteran, with over 15 years of that time in the 1st SFOD-D Delta Force. He served in missions such as Desert Storm, Bosnia, Iraq, and the famous battle in Mogadishu, Somalia that is portrayed in the 2001 Academy Award winning film Black Hawk Down. Kyle now owns and operates Viking Tactics. You can follow Kyle's work on Instagram @vikingtactics and on his website, www.vikingtactics.com This episode of the Mike Force Podcast was sponsored by The Wolf 21, a natural plant-based sleep aid. Visit www.thewolf21.com and use code "mikeforce15" at checkout to get 15% off. For more survival content follow Mike on Instagram @mike.a.glover and his company FIELDCRAFT Survival @fieldcraftsurvival and online at www.fieldcraftsurvival.com