How we Feel Free

FREEDOM. My favorite line from any movie is this one word - when William Wallace hurls the word from the abyss of his soul as they take his life - - Intense. But, what was he fighting for? This 'freedom' he was shouting for at the last moment of his life? We talk a lot about freedom these days: personal freedom, time freedom, financial freedom, freedom this, freedom that. These freedoms have nothing to do with the type of freedom we really want, the same freedom people like William Wallace was willing to give his life up for. Let’s think more about this now - listen here - - . #soul #freedom #motivationalspeaking #mindfulness #meditation #leadership #leadershipdevelopment

Om Podcasten

A focused, calm and resilient mind requires self-leadership. Podcast episodes include meditations by Dave around self-leadership, mindset and mindfulness ideas and notions that have helped him on his personal journey. Earlier podcast episodes include deep and intimate conversations with high-performers, founders, adventurers, endurance athletes, authors, and many more, discussing the mindset they've used to overcome obstacles, and how through deep conviction, grit and commitment, they've summited and continue to summit new peaks in their lives.