We Are What We See

CORRESPONDENCE. Like any law of physics, this one is no different as it plays right into cause and effect - milestonemind.com/blog/june-25-2018-mondays-leadership-meditation - As it matters to personal, professional or organizational leadership and vision, this concept of reflection is critical to understand if morale, trust or job satisfaction are low. Things are mere reflections. What makes them good or bad are wholly influenced by their inputs. Let’s explore more now. #leadership #reflection #physics #aftereffects #jobsatisfaction #morale #correspondences

Om Podcasten

A focused, calm and resilient mind requires self-leadership. Podcast episodes include meditations by Dave around self-leadership, mindset and mindfulness ideas and notions that have helped him on his personal journey. Earlier podcast episodes include deep and intimate conversations with high-performers, founders, adventurers, endurance athletes, authors, and many more, discussing the mindset they've used to overcome obstacles, and how through deep conviction, grit and commitment, they've summited and continue to summit new peaks in their lives.