157. How to Build Confidence in Yourself by Transforming Your Self-Talk

WATCH YOUR MOUTH. What are you saying to yourself? Self-talk builds. Self-talk breaks. Takeaways via CHATGPT Words have the power to shape our reality. We often judge our situations too early. Emotions are valid, but action is necessary. Self-talk can either empower or hinder us. Our stories are still unfolding, and we must be patient. We need to speak life into our journeys. Confidence comes from understanding our gifts. Vulnerability is a form of courage. We must confront negative thoughts head-on. Everything we need is already within us.

Om Podcasten

Here’s a thought. When you’re hosting a constant battle within your mind, start a podcast to showcase some live results. Name your opponent “Mind Bully”. Share your struggles, triumphs, and every lesson you’re learning along the way. While you’re at it, invite friends to share thoughts with you on mental wellness, anxiety, self-help, and personal growth. Learn from their experiences and remind yourself that you have the mental stamina to overcome this ongoing battle. Lastly, remember to live, laugh, build meaningful relationships, and to not take life too seriously. Make sure you invite others do to the same. So what do you say? Join me every Monday!