In these ‘Moment’ episodes, I’ll be selecting my favorite moments from previous episodes of Mind Bully Podcast. In this moment, Norense (me) speaks on mental health. I want to share the message i left on EP112’s show notes. If you are going through a tough time right now, I want you to know that you are not alone. I want you to know that you are significant, and that your worth is not in what you've accomplished, or what you are striving to accomplish. you are here for a reason and have greatness built inside of you. you weren't meant to live this life alone and in anger. you can share what you are going through, it will free you and help someone EP 112 Breaking Barriers: A Dialogue on Masculinity, Mental Health, and Spirituality

Om Podcasten

Here’s a thought. When you’re hosting a constant battle within your mind, start a podcast to showcase some live results. Name your opponent “Mind Bully”. Share your struggles, triumphs, and every lesson you’re learning along the way. While you’re at it, invite friends to share thoughts with you on mental wellness, anxiety, self-help, and personal growth. Learn from their experiences and remind yourself that you have the mental stamina to overcome this ongoing battle. Lastly, remember to live, laugh, build meaningful relationships, and to not take life too seriously. Make sure you invite others do to the same. So what do you say? Join me every Monday!