Live | Essential Oils for Dogs & Cats, Increasing Pet Adoptions, and more...

Are missing nutrients and boredom changing your cat's behavior? A software that may help shelter dogs find their forever home. Also this week, confusion over essential oils for dogs and cats and what you should and should not be doing, plus much more with Rodney Habib & Dr. Karen Becker! Rodney & Dr. Becker discuss the latest science and research on nutrition and health in this replay of their weekly Facebook Live in the Inside Scoop. Original LIVE aired 2.14.2021

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Join Rodney Habib and Dr. Karen Becker, DVM as they mind-jam with leading experts, scientists, and thought leaders to help pet parents increase the health and longevity of their dogs and cats. The Mind-Jam Podcast features candid conversations discussing the latest research and ideas on pet nutrition, health, and industry-related news. Rodney Habib and Dr. Karen Becker, DVM are pet parents on a mission to improve animal health and wellbeing.