AI Avatars and Virtual Human Digital Twins with ObEN CEO Nikhil Jain

One of the most intriguing manifestations of AI will be when it assumes our own faces — forming an autonomous double of ourselves. My guest today is Nikhil Jain, founder and CEO of ObEN which creates AI-driven digital humans in the likeness of its users to perform tasks when they cannot be there in person. These digital avatars simulate a person’s voice, face and personality, enabling never-before-possible social and virtual interactions.

Om Podcasten

Weekly interview show with people at the forefront of transformational technologies, scientific research, and bold new thinking that enables humans to operate at higher levels — better able to achieve whatever each person values most in life. This could be in fields as diverse as neuroscience, computer science, psychology, bio-tech, augmented reality, nutrition & fitness and so many more areas of pioneering work.