Discipline Explained - Tina Payne Bryson [238]

What is the biggest mistake parents make about discipline? We forget that yelling and threats make kids less able to learn. Tina Payne Bryson helps us hold boundaries with empathy and gives powerful tools to chill ourselves out so we can be more responsive. Takeaways: 1. Discipline is about teaching and building skills. 2. Kids have to be in a receptive and regulated state to learn. 3. 4 powerful ways to downregulate when we are reactive. Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now!

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Bestselling author of Raising Good Humans and Mindful Parenting Course creator Hunter Clarke-Fields shares interviews, inspiration, and coaching. Mindful Parenting is about becoming a less irritable, calmer, and more joyful parent. We know that you cannot give what you do not have. And when you are thriving, when you have calm and peace within—then you can give it to your children. Learn about Mindful Parenting and get inspired! https://www.mindfulmamamentor.com/