How To Practice Self-Compassion - Susan Pollak [234]

Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now! As a parent, we mess up constantly. When responding to ourselves with harsh criticism and judgment, we leave ourselves feeling helpless and incapable. The practice of self-compassion is essential to becoming a more mindful parent. My guest today is Dr. Susan M. Pollak, author of Self-Compassion for Parents. Takeaways: 1. We can tolerate failure better with self-compassion. 2. 95% of us grow up with imperfect parents. 3. “If you lose it, you can use it

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Bestselling author of Raising Good Humans and Mindful Parenting Course creator Hunter Clarke-Fields shares interviews, inspiration, and coaching. Mindful Parenting is about becoming a less irritable, calmer, and more joyful parent. We know that you cannot give what you do not have. And when you are thriving, when you have calm and peace within—then you can give it to your children. Learn about Mindful Parenting and get inspired!