Simplicity Parenting - Kim Payne [205]

Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now! Click here to order and get book bonuses! In this episode, I talk to Kim Payne, author of Simplicity Parenting. We talk about how our culture of too much too fast, too young, is overwhelming our children. Takeaways: 1. Western children exhibit signs and symptoms of stress similar to war refugee children 2. Fewer toys and a simplified environment to play in can be beneficial 3. Studies show that screens can damage brains

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Bestselling author of Raising Good Humans and Mindful Parenting Course creator Hunter Clarke-Fields shares interviews, inspiration, and coaching. Mindful Parenting is about becoming a less irritable, calmer, and more joyful parent. We know that you cannot give what you do not have. And when you are thriving, when you have calm and peace within—then you can give it to your children. Learn about Mindful Parenting and get inspired!