The Complete Home Learning Guide - Lauren Spigelmyer & Kimberlynn Lavelle [241]

This school year looks very different from every year before. What’s the best way to learn at home? What do we need to pay attention to? In this episode, two education experts, Lauren Spigelmeyer & Kimberlynn Lavelle, walk us through this new learning experience. Takeaways:  1. Mental and emotional health is number one. 2. Moving their bodies and getting outside is essential to learning. 3. We can design the space to optimize learning. Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now!

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Bestselling author of Raising Good Humans and Mindful Parenting Course creator Hunter Clarke-Fields shares interviews, inspiration, and coaching. Mindful Parenting is about becoming a less irritable, calmer, and more joyful parent. We know that you cannot give what you do not have. And when you are thriving, when you have calm and peace within—then you can give it to your children. Learn about Mindful Parenting and get inspired!