Yoga Nidra with focus on letting go (English version)

Welcome to this Yoga Nidra with focus on letting go. Yoga Nidra translates to "yogic sleep" it is a form of guided meditation where different stages of awareness are explored. We are exploring the border between awake and asleep, the hypnagogic space. Being in that space can help us heal the body, lower our stress levels and decrease anxiety. This guided yoga Nidra is designed to help you let go, let go of everything around you so just can be for a while. Research shows that a wandering mind is an unhappy mind, so being in the present moment can actually help us be happier and more content. You can use this Nidra if you want to go asleep or if you need a nurturing rest during the day. Love Camilla♥️ Please share: @camillastrandmark_yogamind Web:

Om Podcasten

Mindfulness kan berika våra liv på så många sätt. Den här podden ger dig guidade meditationer som du kan använda precis när du behöver det. Kanske vill du meditera en kort stund på lunchrasten? Kanske en lång stund innan sänggång, eller en stund under promenaden. Guidningarna är på Svenska eller Engelska. Podden delar bland annat meditationer som kommer från Mindfulness Programmet MBSR -Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction som är ett 8 veckors program som du kan läsa mer om här: