Many Students Are Using Study Strategies That Don't Work — and Better Options Exist

Our guest, University of Virginia Professor Daniel Willingham, is the author of a new book to help us break the cycle of ineffective learning habits. In “Outsmart Your Brain,” he gives tips on how to listen when you’re sitting in a lecture, how to take notes that work for you, and how to study to retain information. Please consider taking our audience survey! Your responses will help guide us on what to cover next and how to better serve your needs.

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It’s easy to see a child’s education as a path determined by grades, test scores and extra curricular activities. But genuine learning is about so much more than the points schools tally. MindShift explores the future of learning and how we raise our kids. This podcast is part of the MindShift education site, a division of KQED News. You can also visit the MindShift website for episodes and supplemental blog posts or tweet us @MindShiftKQED or visit us at Take our audience survey!