Uncovering Healthy Relationships With Consent Education
Age-appropriate consent education involves much more than navigating sexual activity. It can show up in situations as mundane as sharing fries, asking someone to dance at prom, or initiating a romantic relationship. By teaching students how to ask for and give enthusiastic consent, they can navigate these situations in a way that ensures both parties feel comfortable and respected. In this episode, MindShift explores how teaching consent in school empowers students to set boundaries and express their emotions. The MindShift team includes Nimah Gobir, Kara Newhouse, Ki Sung, Marlena Jackson-Retondo, Chris Hambrick, and Seth Samuel. MindShift is supported in part by the generosity of the William & Flora Hewlett Foundation and members of KQED. Jen Chien is the director of podcasts. Katie Sprenger is Podcast Operations Manager. Audience Engagement Support from Cesar Saldaña. Holly Kernan is KQED’s Chief Content Officer.