MoT Podcast - Carlos Meets Isabel Evans

Carlos Kidman talks with Isabel Evans about Critical and Lateral Thinking and how different types of thinking are crucial to our roles as testers. Are you thinking about "thinking"? Join us for our Virtual SauceCon Event on April 20-22. SauceCon brings together the global community of Sauce Labs users and automated testing experts. Teams from around the world will come together to learn from each other and level up their automated testing and continuous delivery skills. Register Now for SauceCon 2021. Resources 6 Thinking Hats, by Edward de Bono Creative Trespassing, by Tania Katan Power of Habit, by Charles Duhigg CTRL SHIFT, by Mike Bonifer and & Jessooe Shternshuc Software Design Decoded, by Marian Petre and Andre van de Hoek Thinking, fast and slow, by Daniel Kahneman

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