I would like to see your candy cane: THE HOLIDAY EPISODE

My besties old & new... welcome to the HOLIDAYY solo episode. I discuss the holidays in the lens of eating disorder recovery, dealing with mental health and family trauma, being single, hooking up with people (old and new), gift giving on a budget, how to enjoy the holidays a little bit more, anxiety surrounding the holidays & I tell an epic and tragic story about the Wednesday Night before Thanksgiving.... Enjoy a run-on sentence answering all your HOLIDAY themed questions. Cheers, I love you! Music: @domenicosounds

Om Podcasten

Sit back, pour yourself a glass of prosecco and enjoy a run-on sentence about ex-boyfriends, geminis, gluten free baked goods, all of the times I turned off Find my Friends, my good habits, my bad habits, sober pescatarianism, my most controversial hot takes, all the books I've ever read, BROADWAY, Taylor Swift's discography and cashews with the creator of TikTok's the Jarr—Miss Congeniality—Eli Rallo.