Episode 55: From Niche to Global - Top Tips to Cracking the Lucrative Japanese Mobile Market

Join us as we explore the ever-evolving Japanese mobile market.In this episode, we set our sights on the lucrative world of Japanese mobile games. We’ll dive into player preferences, effective monetization strategies, and the cultural nuances that influence this thriving market.Join industry experts Teemu Palomäki, Chief Games Analyst, and Sonja Skoglund, Games Analyst at GameRefinery, a Liftoff Company, as they discuss actionable insights to help you navigate the unique opportunities and cha...

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the ultimate podcast for mobile games - Join our host Jon Jordan and expert guests as they uncover the winning strategies and closely-guarded secrets behind game development, monetization and user acquisition.Brought to you by Liftoff, the leading growth acceleration platform, this podcast offers expert analysis and insights to elevate your mobile games!