MC Weekly Update 5/15: Turkish Non-delights

Play the sad trombone 5 times for this week's Twitter Corner: Musk censors political content at the behest of the Turkish Government in the final days of a close and historically important election; Linda Yaccarino is announced as the new CEO; Tucker Carlson announces he's going to stream his new show to Twitter; the platform announces not-so-encrypted messaging; and continues its ad hominem content moderation practices. Also: Singapore, Pakistan, Russia all crack down on internet freedom, and the European Court of Human Rights releases a wild ruling holding politicians responsible for third-party comments on their Facebook pages.

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Moderated Content from Stanford Law School is podcast content about content moderation, moderated by assistant professor Evelyn Douek. The community standards of this podcast prohibit anything except the wonkiest conversations about the regulation—both public and private—of what you see, hear and do online.