The Anger Professor on how to deal with angry people and why we get mad with others. With Dr. Ryan Martin.

Dr. Ryan Martin (aka the Anger Professor) researches and writes on healthy and unhealthy expressions of anger. His newest book How to Deal with Angry People came out on May 9th. His previous book is Why We Get Mad: How to Use Your Anger for Positive Change, explore why people become angry, how people can use their anger in productive ways, and how to work effectively with angry people. Ryan also hosts the popular psychology podcast,Psychology and Stuff.  He is a Professor of Psychology and an Associate Dean for the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. His work has been featured in the New York Times,  NPR’s Invisibilia podcast, BBC Radio’s Digital Human,, and elsewhere.  Anger is a hot issue in our lives and in our country. Dr. Kate and Dr. Ryan discuss why. They talk about how prevalent anger is today from road rage to restaurant workers, and also who is modeling for us how to express our anger. They discuss how we evaluate if our anger is justified. And so much more. Let’s get more understanding of anger and anything we can do to handle ours and others.   Website:   Social media: IG: @themodernintimacy   @drkatebalestrieri Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Dr. Kate Balestrieri, host of Get Naked with Dr. Kate, is a Licensed Clinical and Forensic Psychologist, Certified Sex Therapist, PACT Therapist, CSAT and the founder of Modern Intimacy. She helps people live more fulfilled lives by shattering stigma and erasing shame. It’s no secret that we live in a society that compartmentalizes sex and sexuality from our every day lives. On this show, Dr. Kate is going to change that, by getting curious with other experts and listeners. In this podcast, you're invited to join Dr. Kate as she investigates the relationship between sex, mental health, relationships and modern society. She shares safe, smart, dimensional and practical answers to those complex questions you’ve been wondering about. Mental health, sex and relationships do not have to feel like daunting topics. Everyone has questions. You are not alone. On this podcast, Dr. Kate makes information accessible. Everyone deserves to have more integrated, healthy, and sexually satisfying relationships. Email your questions to (Education and entertainment only - not therapy).