S08E01 Modern Web Podcast - Meet RedwoodJS: The Full Stack React Framework with David Price

In this episode, our hosts, Jesse Tomchak (@jtomchak) and Tracy Lee (@ladyleet) interview David Price (@thedavidprice) on the new full stack react framework, RedwoodJS! Listen in on why you should learn “yet another framework” and how Redwood is trying to make developer lives easier with the tech stack you already know.   Guest: David Price (@thedavidprice) - Core team, RedwoodJS   Host: Tracy Lee (@ladyleet) - CEO, This Dot Labs  Jesse Tomchak (@jtomchak) - Senior Software Engineer, This Dot Labs   This episode is sponsored by KendoReact & This Dot Labs. 

Om Podcasten

The modern web is changing fast. Front-end frameworks evolve quickly, standards are emerging and old ones are fading out of favor. There are a lot of things to learn, but knowing the right thing is more critical than learning them all. Modern Web Podcast is an interview-style show where we learn about modern web development from industry experts. We’re committed to making it easy to digest lots of useful information!