S09E21- GraphQL, Microservices, Bridging the Programming Language Gap, and Client App Consumption with Roy Derks

In this episode Tracy Lee and Dustin Goodman are joined by Roy Derks- Developer Experience at StepZen ⸱ Tech Entrepreneur ⸱ GraphQL Speaker, Trainer, and Advocate- to discuss microservice design and how GraphQL can help alleviate problems derived from poorly designed microservices. They discuss different strategies teams leverage to best scale their GraphQL APIs whether they use RPC, federated schemas, or REST wrappers. They explore how GraphQL is programming language agnostic and how it’s helping to bridge gaps between different language teams. They discuss how GraphQL can positively impact consumer application usage and how it can possibly help save energy consumption and help with the world energy crisis.   Guest Roy Derks   Hosts Tracy Lee Dustin Goodman   Sponsored by This Dot Labs

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The modern web is changing fast. Front-end frameworks evolve quickly, standards are emerging and old ones are fading out of favor. There are a lot of things to learn, but knowing the right thing is more critical than learning them all. Modern Web Podcast is an interview-style show where we learn about modern web development from industry experts. We’re committed to making it easy to digest lots of useful information!