Why SQLite is Perfect for the Web

Dive deep into the fascinating world of SQLite and Turso with Gláuber Costa, the founder and CEO of Turso, as he shares insights into the evolution of modern database technologies. Hosted by Danny Thompson and Adam Rakus on the Modern Web Podcast, this episode unpacks SQLite's growing popularity, Turso's innovative managed database services, and how local-first architectures are changing the database landscape. From syncing databases to leveraging SQLite for offline use, discover how these advancements empower developers to build faster, scalable, and cost-effective solutions. Tune in to learn about Turso’s unique approach, real-world use cases, and the future of databases in edge computing and mobile applications. Topics Discussed: - SQLite’s resurgence and why it’s trending in modern architectures - Turso’s fork of SQLite and its innovative features - Offline-capable databases and local-first architecture - The impact of no-SQL databases and why SQL is making a comeback - Practical examples and use cases of database syncing and encryption Follow Glauber Costa on Social Media Twitter: https://x.com/glcst Linkedin:   / glommer   Github: https://github.com/glommer Turso: https://turso.tech/ Sponsored by This Dot: thisdot.co

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The modern web is changing fast. Front-end frameworks evolve quickly, standards are emerging and old ones are fading out of favor. There are a lot of things to learn, but knowing the right thing is more critical than learning them all. Modern Web Podcast is an interview-style show where we learn about modern web development from industry experts. We’re committed to making it easy to digest lots of useful information!