27. Madeleine Mofjärd - How I used my curiosity to transform

In this weeks episode we throw things around! I’ve been asked to share my story and what drives me in changing the world for the better and why I want to inspire you to lead a life of joy and become more of YOU - so here we go, this episode is all about me and my story. I am so thankful to Helena Önneby for making this talk become reality and for holding space for me in such a beautiful way throughout our conversation. Sharing my story triggers a lot of fears in me, the idea that It won’t come across as interesting or inspiring enough for you to get affected is deeply present with me. Helena simply creates a beautiful space for me to share openly and raw about my inner journey. This is a conversation about my relationship to my curiosity and how that has transformed my life. We talk about the journey from one day realizing that I wanted more out of life to finally being able to quite my full time job and achieve a higher sense of fulfillment in life. I also share my thoughts on hustle and why I believe that hustle is the easiest way to never achieve anything. Follow Madeleine Mofjärd: instagram.com/mofjrd Follow Helena Önneby: instagram.com/purepersonalpower Join Facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/mofjrdtalksvip/

Om Podcasten

Podcasten ”Perspektiv - för en mer hälsosam relation till dig själv och andra” drivs utifrån intentionen att vara en del i att skapa ett samhälle av välmående och stärkta individer. Madeleine Mofjärd möter gäster från världen över inom områden som på olika sätt rör den mänskliga upplevelsen såsom personlig utveckling, relationer, kommunikation och sexualitet. I segmentet "Going Deeper" öppnar Madeleine och Peter Nilsson dörren till deras egen relation och bjuder in lyssnarna till en sårbar och modig värld av relationer.